Sunday, 17 October 2010

Oct 17th Further Ideas, public spaces project

Design with hand drawn glasses, scanned and converted to vectors. would be perfect for a bar or restaurant once put into repeat.

Very simple pattern of hand drawn circles and intersecting lines, repeated. This pattern would be most effective if blown up to a much larger scale.

New Project

For my new project i am planning to create abstract, geometrical patterns aimed at the comercial market. For use in Public Spaces eg. Libraries, bars, restaurants, train stations, shopping centres.
This is challenging, as i have to create designs that would appeal to a wide variety of people. Though it is possible to design based on the place, a bar would have totally different patterns in its interiors than say, a library.
I've create a few very basic initial ideas:

Saturday, 16 October 2010

New Necklace

Bought a new (old) silver necklace from a antique jewellery stall in Falmouth :)

My Visit to St.Ives and the Barbara Hepworth Museum

On Monday i visited St. Ives, Cornwall. Went round the Tate, and the Barbara Hepworth museum, which i enjoyed more than i had expected, i do like that sort of sculpture, and the garden was beautiful. when i went it was a really sunny day, so the whole place looked amazing.

Some Views of St.Ives itself:

Trends Research Project

Over the summer i was set a project to research the current trends in Interior Design, with a lean towards textiles. These are a few pages from the resulting sketch book. I was really annoyed because after all the effort i put in, ordering walpaper samples and buying waste fabric, the tutors didn't even want to look at it :(

The main trends i identified were 'Big Blooms', 'Retro/Vintage', 'Folk Style', 'Natural Materials', Country House Glamour', and 'Eastern Glam' Neutral colours are also very popular at the moment, the favorite being grey, which can be very contemporary when combined with brightly coloured accessories

Saturday, 4 September 2010

The Beginning of my Trends project

my work place at home, on the floor :) tables can be just too small. All my magazines, wallpaper and fabric samples for my Trend Research Sketchbook

About me

Name: Emma Burrow
DOB: 23/12/1989
Birthplace: Cambridge
Eye color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 175cm ish?
Heritage: British
Piercings: Ears
Tattoos: None

Band/Singer: hmm Jack Johnson is a fav atm aswell as the Eels, Muse, Snow Patrol, more recently Owl City and the Editors.
Song: love 'Fresh Feeling' by the Eels
Genre of Music: Alternative, Folk, Rock i guess?
Color(s): LOVE BLUE, TURQUOISE, green
TV show(s): Dollhouse, Firefly - both now sadly canceled, also Chuck, and Grand Designs
Movie(s): hmm dunno really quite like some action films, and also things like Amelie and Chocolate. more specifically, Pirates of the Caribbean, Sherlock Holmes, Mr & Mrs Smith hehe.
Hate Black Comedy e.g. Little Miss Sunshine - never ever again
Food: pizza, ice cream, cake :) steak is goood and traditional amazing food like shepherds pie and chicken casserole, roast chicken mmmm
not overly healthy, bit fussy when it comes to veg :/
Drink: Coca Cola is good :) and orange juice mmm, in terms of alcohol? don't like it much, drink mixers sometimes cider.
Clothing Brand:......
Shoe Brand:.......
Pizza topping: chicken, sweetcorn, fresh tomatoes... any of those
Season: Spring
Month: April/May? Decembers not bad either

This or That:
Sunny or rainy: Sunny :) though i do love a good thunderstorm
Chocolate or vanilla: Both :) but chocolate generally wins
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Day
Sour or sweet: Either?
Love or money: Love
Phone or in person: In person, talking on the phone makes me nervous
Poor & happy or rich & miserable:  given the choice? happy and rich hehe, but happiness always wins
Coffee or tea: Tea

Goal for this year: completing my second year at uni would be good
Most missed memory: as in memories i can no-longer remember? :P
Best physical feature: good question..... i guess i'm quite tall and slimish
First thought waking up: i can't see its dark

Do you wanna get married: yeh sometime
Do you wanna have kids: i guess so, not for a while yet though
Do you wanna go to college: already there :)
What do you want to be: Textile Designer? or at least work in the industry maybe digital designing

Do You:
Dance in the rain: Not since i was small with wellies
Smoke: No
Drink: Sometimes
Like thunderstorms: Yes!
Play an instrument: Used to play the piano for like 9 years
Think you are good looking: You tell me :S
Get along with your parents: Mostly

Other Questions:
Can you whistle: Yep
Right or left handed: Right
Your bedtime: Whenever really
Biggest fear: Death of people close to me
3 things you can't live without: food, water, friendship, colour... oh thats 4
Color of your room: Blue!
Siblings: 3 younger brothers
Middle name: Kate
Pets: Giant Rabbit called Monty :)
Nicknames: Em
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be:  right here is pretty good thanks, maybe if that special someone was here too
Do you wear contacts/glasses: Not anymore!!
Are you afraid of the dark: No