Saturday, 4 September 2010

The Beginning of my Trends project

my work place at home, on the floor :) tables can be just too small. All my magazines, wallpaper and fabric samples for my Trend Research Sketchbook

About me

Name: Emma Burrow
DOB: 23/12/1989
Birthplace: Cambridge
Eye color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 175cm ish?
Heritage: British
Piercings: Ears
Tattoos: None

Band/Singer: hmm Jack Johnson is a fav atm aswell as the Eels, Muse, Snow Patrol, more recently Owl City and the Editors.
Song: love 'Fresh Feeling' by the Eels
Genre of Music: Alternative, Folk, Rock i guess?
Color(s): LOVE BLUE, TURQUOISE, green
TV show(s): Dollhouse, Firefly - both now sadly canceled, also Chuck, and Grand Designs
Movie(s): hmm dunno really quite like some action films, and also things like Amelie and Chocolate. more specifically, Pirates of the Caribbean, Sherlock Holmes, Mr & Mrs Smith hehe.
Hate Black Comedy e.g. Little Miss Sunshine - never ever again
Food: pizza, ice cream, cake :) steak is goood and traditional amazing food like shepherds pie and chicken casserole, roast chicken mmmm
not overly healthy, bit fussy when it comes to veg :/
Drink: Coca Cola is good :) and orange juice mmm, in terms of alcohol? don't like it much, drink mixers sometimes cider.
Clothing Brand:......
Shoe Brand:.......
Pizza topping: chicken, sweetcorn, fresh tomatoes... any of those
Season: Spring
Month: April/May? Decembers not bad either

This or That:
Sunny or rainy: Sunny :) though i do love a good thunderstorm
Chocolate or vanilla: Both :) but chocolate generally wins
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Day
Sour or sweet: Either?
Love or money: Love
Phone or in person: In person, talking on the phone makes me nervous
Poor & happy or rich & miserable:  given the choice? happy and rich hehe, but happiness always wins
Coffee or tea: Tea

Goal for this year: completing my second year at uni would be good
Most missed memory: as in memories i can no-longer remember? :P
Best physical feature: good question..... i guess i'm quite tall and slimish
First thought waking up: i can't see its dark

Do you wanna get married: yeh sometime
Do you wanna have kids: i guess so, not for a while yet though
Do you wanna go to college: already there :)
What do you want to be: Textile Designer? or at least work in the industry maybe digital designing

Do You:
Dance in the rain: Not since i was small with wellies
Smoke: No
Drink: Sometimes
Like thunderstorms: Yes!
Play an instrument: Used to play the piano for like 9 years
Think you are good looking: You tell me :S
Get along with your parents: Mostly

Other Questions:
Can you whistle: Yep
Right or left handed: Right
Your bedtime: Whenever really
Biggest fear: Death of people close to me
3 things you can't live without: food, water, friendship, colour... oh thats 4
Color of your room: Blue!
Siblings: 3 younger brothers
Middle name: Kate
Pets: Giant Rabbit called Monty :)
Nicknames: Em
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be:  right here is pretty good thanks, maybe if that special someone was here too
Do you wear contacts/glasses: Not anymore!!
Are you afraid of the dark: No