Thursday, 26 May 2011

Bill Hill/ John Lewis project continued...

Bill Hill/ John Lewis Brief
i started looking at cone shapes and experimenting with gradients.

I am quite pleased with these patterns. i especially like them in black and white. However my color palette consists of more pastel colours, inspired by what happen when i simplified a photo of pick up sticks in photoshop.
The patterns below are in this alternate colourway.
(remember you can click on the pictures to enlarge)

Bill Hill/ John Lewis Rugs and soft furnishings project

This project was a live brief for Hill&Co who are suppliers of rugs and soft furnishings to John Lewis among others.

The aim was to create a selection of rug designs with complementing textile designs.
 decided to base my project on perspective, and optical illusion. i wanted to create textiles that gave the appearance of being 3D. i wanted to create a rug design that looked like it was going into the floor. This proved to be much trickier than i had anticipated.
I do not feel that this project is as strong as the last two, either in quantity or quality. i have also had a very busy term which did not help.

Rug Designs:

Complementing Textile repeats

Rug designs

Inspired by pick up sticks